CSOs laud media on outstanding public servants’ recognition

A coalition of civil society organisations under the auspices of Concerned
Civil Society Groups for Educational Development and Guardians of Democracy
and Development Initiative among 78 others have commended the media for
recognising individuals, groups and organisations who have shown uncommon
zeal in the efforts to develop the society.

The CSOs’ position contained in a communiqué it issued at its end of year
meeting held in Abuja over the weekend emphasised that a system that
reprimands wrong doing should equally commend outstanding feats.

It explained that the media has been notable in exposing wrong doings in
the society so it is exciting that it also lauds positives of society.

The communiqué signed by Danasi Momoh Prince,  convener of the group
particularly lauded the conferment on Prof Suleiman Elias Bogoro, the
Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) as ‘Man of
the Year’ confirms the stand the CSOs had taken earlier in the year after
carrying out due diligent on the agency.

“A Coalition of Civil Society Groups in the Educational Sector on December
27, 2019 in Abuja after reviewing its activities over the year and the
state of the nation, felicitate with Executive Secretary of Tertiary
Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) Prof Suleiman Elias Bogoro as he gets
Leadership Newspapers man of the year 2019.

“As a group that have monitored trends in the education sector and pointed
out where there were infractions and commended where necessary, we herein
note with confidence the uncommon dexterity of Prof Bogoro in administering
TETFUND and thereby lend our voice to the success story of the

“Considering the misfortune of wasted opportunities, maladministration, and
lack of transparency in most sectors of the public service, the need to
promote quality examples in leadership and administration cannot be

“We therefore also adopt him as our ‘Public Servant of the Year’ for the
same reasons advanced by Leadership Newspapers, which are  taking
development and research to an unprecedented height under his leadership.

” Additionally, the level of transparency exhibited at TETFUND totally
aligns with President Muhammadu Buhari’s Change and Next Level mantra”.

The CSOs also appealed to other media organisation to recongnise those they
identify with steering performance and track record of transparency so as
to encourage others.

Similarly, the group encourage other public and civil servants to emulate
Bogoro for the speedy development of all sectors of our national Life.

“When public and civil servants begin to elevate service delivery and
common national interest above self, as Prof Bogoro has done, our country
Nigeria will increase in developmental altitude. We urge the erudite
professor and seasoned administrator not to rest on his oars.

” We herein recommend him for a National Honour as an incentive to other
public and civil servants to redouble their efforts. The reward for a good
work is not only more works, but also a pat on the back. Our patriotic view
is that such a National Honour will be a fitting pat on the back and
encouragement for even others who are doing the same or who have the opportunity to do same”, the communiqué noted