Assembly tasks Sokoto govt on IPSAS for 2020 budget

The Sokoto state House of Assembly Wednesday urged the state government to adopt the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in preparing the 2020 budget.

The chairman, House Committee on Finance and Appropriation, Alhaji Malami Muhammad (PDP- Sokoto South II), made the call shortly after the committees’ inauguration.
Muhammad said that the system of the state budget preparation has become archaic in the global financial standard.
He said there is the need to modernise budget preparation to ease presentation and subsequent passage by the House.

“It is high time that we change our copy and paste attitude in the system of budget preparation. We cannot be changing figures every year in appropriation.

“We need keep pace with innovation in budget preparation to achieve the aim of modern government, especially in the financial engagement.

“As such, we charge the ministries responsible to be IPSAS compliant in the 2020 budget preparation and beyond to ease presentation and scrutiny by members,” he said.

The state’s Commissioner for Finance, Alhaji Abdussamad Dasuki, restated the government commitment to ensure the best standard in budget preparation.

“We will utilise our experience in ensuring the best financial standard in Sokoto state for the overall development of the people,” Dasuki said.

Also, the Commissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, Alhaji Shehu Kakale, expressed further commitment to aid government desire in financial standard.

According to Kakale, government will continue to explore ways that will aid budget preparation and implementation for overall development of the society.

The ceremony was attended by officials of the state’s Ministry of Budget and Economic planning and the Finance Ministry. (NAN)