2019: PRI seeks citizens’ selfless service, leadership


Patriotism Renaissance Initiative (PRI), a non-governmental organisation, has advocated for quality leadership and inculcation of the spirit of selflessness in order to guarantee good governance in
the country ahead of the 2019 elections.

National coordinator of PRI, Barr Sulayman Kuku-Dawodu, he said “the organisation is in support of any government of the day that subscribes and demonstrates the political will to fulfil the
benchmarks of good governance”.

Kuku-Dawodu said they were set out as an organisation to challenge any impunity and pitfalls of any government of the day within its legally assigned bounds.

Dawodu made this statement at a press briefing on the need for patriotic conduct by all, for free, fair, peaceful and credible 2019 general elections entitled; Consolidating the Policies and Programmes of the Present Administration, over the weekend in Abuja.

The coordinator further said the present administration, since assumption of office, has been battling with corruption, injustice, insecurity and impunity which have pervaded the country over the

He disclosed the organisation being an advocate of anti-corruption has membership cutting across the six geopolitical zones of the country and the Diaspora who are represented in about 18 states of the
country, with coordinators to structure programmes that would enhance national development.

He lauded the current administration for laying the foundation for good governance and for blocking leakages through the full implementation of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) which, according
to him, is a major reason why the administration is being opposed by
its detractors.

Speaking, the Executive Secretary, Anti-Corruption and Research Based Data Initiative (ARDI), Chief Dennis Aghanya, lauded the convener for demonstrating faith in the leadership of the country, adding that every citizen should show faith on the president who has demonstrated
the zeal and willingness to take Nigeria out of the woods.