2019 ‘ll not be free, fair, says ABC Nwosu

…Accuses ex- INEC chairman, Jega of fraud

A member of the Board of Trustees of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described the former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) , Prof Attahiru Jega  as a “fraud.”
Prof Nwosu who was speaking in an exclusive interview at with Blueprint said in readiness for the 2019 general elections, there was need to audit the voters register to know the authenticity of the people who purportedly registered in the 36 states of the Federation and Abuja.
This he said can be done through a random sampling of the registered voters in each state.
According to the former Health Minister, any attempt to go into election with the figures allocated to the states as real number of registered voters will result in what happened in 2015 when states worst hit by insurgency produced unimaginable high figures as results in favour of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
“In 2015, I was the one who was shouting that Jega was a fraud. How could he in YOBE? Yobe have less than1.01million registered voters. They collected 800 and something thousand pvcs and there was Boko Haram there. Enugu had 1.5 million registered voters, 700 and something PVCs were collected there and there was no Boko Haram in Enugu.
“I kept saying he is a professor like me and professors are known for logic. How could a place with less number of registered voters in an insurgency area collect more pvcs than a place with more registered voters and no insurgency? I needed a rational explanation. I didn’t get it. So It looked to me like you knew certain catchment areas where you didn’t want people to vote.
“The second one go and look at INEC report of 2015, the 774 local governments of Nigeria , there were results entered. How come that Boko Haram was in charge of some local governments. Was it Boko Haram that conducted the elections?
“I have the figures from INEC. For example in Borno, there were ten members of House of Reps, 9 were males 1 was female, all APC, APC won 100 per cent and yet it was that same Borno that was the centre of Boko Haram.
“How come you were able to conduct the elections, delineate constituencies or is there any place in Nigeria that was not registered? So when people talk of Jega, I look at him with contempt. The same thing is about to happen again.”
Asked whether 2019 elections would be free and fair, the ex Minister said experience in Edo, Ekiti and and Osun showed that INEC was not prepared to conduct a free and fair election.
“Even a goat in Nigeria knows it will not be free and fair ; we have been shouting it will not be free and fair. Edo showed it will not be free and fair , the most glaringly unfair was Osun where you completely announced results and went back and said there were cancelled votes. Cancelled by who? By you, INEC. Was it PDP that cancelled the votes? Then you go back negotiate and do the abracadabra. It cannot be fair.
“If Nigerians want to live in tyranny, they have seen it before, they are welcome to it. PDP cannot save Nigerians from tyranny, Nigerians will save themselves from tyranny and there are three things Nigerians can demand. All these PVCs that have been collected, who owns them? Are you sure that they are actually owned by individuals?
“Why can’t we demand that these things be audited. That is you select randomly from the PVCs in any state. You get them and say these PVCs can we see the faces?
Asked who will conduct the sampling, the PDP BOT member said: “I don’t know, let me finish before asking me who will do it, it is not PDP. Nigerians like to see a problem when it’s faced, you want to push somebody to die so that you will live a better life. That is the difference between you and South Africans and other nations. When other nations are confronted with a problem they see it as a national problem. They don’t see it as somebody’s problem, it’s like who will bail the cat?
“Look at the Dino Melaye recall. Didn’t it teach you a lesson? If we didn’t have that proviso that you have to verify Dino Melaye was gone, they more than enough signature to recall him. When they audited, how many did they get? Less than 10 per cent. Disgraceful!You may find the same with this PVC.”