Review negotiations with Boko Haram, ACF tells FG

Following the killing of another volunteer midwife, Hauwa Amina Liman, by Boko Haram terrorists, the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has advised the Federal Government to review its negotiation strategies with the insurgents, as the present approach appears ineffective.

While condemning the killing of the aid worker, the ACF described the vicious act as clear desecration of Islam which preaches sacred inviolability of the individual.

Hauwa was abducted in March in Rann, Borno state, and her execution came barely one month after another aid worker, Saifura Khursa was killed in similar circumstance by the insurgents.

In a video released by the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), a faction of Boko Haram, on Monday, the aid worker was forced to kneel down, with her hands tied inside a white hijab, and then shot at a close range.

But condemning the dastardly acts in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Muhammad Ibrahim Biu, ACF urged the federal government not to wait any longer for deadline from the terrorists before taking necessary actions to rescue the captives.

It said actions by the government and its allies on the rescue mission should be quick in order to assuage the fears of Nigerians of what may happen to those still in captivity.

“Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) is saddened and pained by the sad news of the execution of another aid worker, Hauwa Amina Liman by the Boko Haram terrorists on Monday,” it said.

“The action of the terrorists, to say the least, was callous, barbaric and inhuman, and totally against the tenets of Islam.

The killing is clear desecration of Islam which preaches sacred inviolability of the individual.

“The Federal Government’s assurances that it has been working with some friendly countries and other international organisations to save the lives of the innocent aid workers, have not yielded the desired result.

“ACF therefore urges the FG to review its negotiation strategy and ensure that the other aid worker, Leah Sharibu and the Chibok girls still in the captivity of the Boko Haram are rescued and released to their families.

“The federal government should not wait for deadline from the terrorists before taking necessary actions to rescue them.

Any action by the Federal Government and the allies on this issue should be quick in order to assuage the fears of Nigerians of what may happen to those still in captivity.

“ACF extends its condolences to the families of Hauwa and Saifura, who were brutally executed by the terrorists for serving humanity and equally commiserates with the families of those still in captivity,” the statement added.

…Killing devastating – Red Cross In another reaction, the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), has described Hauwa’s execution as devastating and heartbreaking.

In a statement yesterday, ICRC said the death of the two aid workers will be felt by thousands of people in Rann and other conflict-affected areas of North-east Nigeria where accessing health care remains a challenge.

The ICRC, had in a statement on October 14, noted the deadline given by the terror group for the Nigerian government to address its demands and called on the government prevent another tragedy.

Boko Haram released a video in September threatening to kill the two remaining health workers, after executing a first woman; Saifura Khursa in September.

And in a statement published on the ICRC website yesterday, its Regional Director for Africa, Patricia Danzi, described the killing as utterly devastating and heartbreaking.

“It’s utterly devastating that we have to write that sentence.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) received information indicating that Hauwa Mohammed Liman has been killed by her captors in a despicable act of cruelty.

“We appeal for mercy and an end to such senseless murders.

How can it be that two female health care workers were killed back-to-back? Nothing can justify this,” she said.

Buhari commiserates with family Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari has commiserated with the family of the slain aid worker and the ICRC.

Speaking with the late Hauwa’s father, Mohammed Liman on the telephone yesterday, Mohammed Liman, the President lamented the killing, saying the Nigerian government did everything possible to save his daughter’s life, but that all the efforts turned out unsuccessful.

He regretted that her commitment to helping victims of the Boko Haram insurgency ended in such a brutal way.

The president also spoke with the President of the ICRC, Peter Maurer, and extended condolences on the loss of the midwife.

He commended the ICRC for the great work they had been doing in Nigeria by providing healthcare services to victims of insurgency in some of the most affected areas.

The president appealed to the ICRC to continue their services in Nigeria, and not give up, despite the unfortunate and painful loss of their staff.

He said Nigeria needs the ICRC, and that the Federal Government would continue to do all it can to protect staff of the organisation and other aid workers providing muchneeded humanitarian services in the North-east region, which had been affected by almost a decade-long conflict.

US condemns act In a related reaction, the government of the United States of America has condemned Hauwa’s killing.

The US, through a press statement by its embassy in Abuja, said it was committed to working with Nigeria towards defeating Boko Haram.

It also condoled with the ICRC, the family of the deceased and the entirety of Nigerians.

According to the statement, “the U.S. Embassy extends its heartfelt condolence to the family of Hauwa Muhammed Liman and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

We stand in solidarity with our Nigerian partners as we work to defeat ISIS-West Africa and prevent these tragedies.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Hauwa’s family, to her colleagues, and to those still suffering in captivity.” The 24-year-old nurse and student of Health Education at the University of Maiduguri was among the three aid workers abducted by the insurgents in an attack on a military facility in Rann, Borno state, on March 1, 2018.

She was abducted alongside Alice Loksha Ngaddah, a nurse and mother of two, and Saifura Husseini Ahmed, a midwife.

After killing Hauwa, ISWAP said Ngaddah, who works with UNICEF, will be kept as a slave, just like Leah Sharibu.