Pate’s foxy politics and Bauchi 2019, by Adamu Dalladi

As usual, when elections approach, people with different frame of minds would drench and wet through the pages of newspapers with diabolically inclined postulations and prophecies aimed at beguiling people.
In politics, especially in Bauchi state, it has become worrisome and all comers affairs where lie torpid politicians that rarely visit their states let alone contributing to the development of such state can claim expertise on issues that they don’t have the slightest clue about.
But as paperweight, what they’re good in doing is rambling and ranting to the high heavens ridiculing not only themselves but also upstanding and right-minded people of Bauchi state.
Of course, how can one relate the recent statements credited to Ali Pate, who in his delusionary imagination prophesized that the All Progressives Congress will definitely lose the 2019 gubernatorial elections if they imposed an unpopular candidate on the Bauchi electorate? In Ali Pate’s own words, “we have made our case, if the party wants to win Bauchi state, it should put forward a credible popular candidate.” It sounds ridiculous and astonishing because it doesn’t correlate with the political chemistry of the state in every stretch of imagination.
Pate has clearly shown that he’s in sixs and sevens of what the state’s politics is all about.
In what seems to be the last kick of a dying horse, Pate said, “we cannot guarantee that the APC will win Bauchi state unless a direct primary process was conducted to the test the popularity of all aspirants, the party will lose the governorship elections.” But he failed to reason that the wavering and soaring popularity of Governor Mohammed Abubakar was tested in 2015 by not only the APC delegates but by the majority of Bauchi state electorate.
Governor Abubakar was voted in against unpopular candidates and now that he has justified the mandate given to him, there’s no better time to vote for him than now as he had remarkably transformed the state to enviable heights.
The fact is that an overwhelmingly majority of the state would no doubt vehemently disagree with Pate’s political musing as it goes against the grain of the popular belief.
APC has never sought to impose any particular candidate on the people either in the governorship, national or state assembly elections in Bauchi state.
And far from it, the party gave each of its 36 state chapters the option of choosing what type of primaries will be suitable for them.
In the same vein, stakeholders, party chieftains, and party faithful in Bauchi state overwhelmingly opted for the indirect system while also unequivocally endorsing the tested popular candidate, Barrister M.A.
Abubakar, as the sole flagbearer of the party.
As master illusionist and oblivious as he was, where was Ali Pate when the various stakeholders and party faithful met to take these momentous and far-reaching decisions aimed at stabilizing the socio-political process in Bauchi state? Pate’s musings are wrapped in the same clothing with that of his cohort, Yakubu Dogara, who were out to destroy the APC in Bauchi state.
Of course, it is not surprising that Ali Pate was nowhere to be found as he is severally fond of disappearing antics whenever crucial issues arise only to claim ignorance or express divergent or contrarian opinions when he magically appears.
More perplexing and what I keep wondering is who Ali Pate has continually referred to as “we” in his heartrending and lamentable press statements? Is he referring to fellow gubernatorial aspirants, the electorate, his cohorts in the PDP or the media who he regularly rushes anytime he feels a penchant for nebulous publicity? If the truth must be told, most people in Bauchi and even outside the state have never seen Ali Pate as a serious politician given the fact that he is completely out of touch with the sentiments and aspirations of the average Bauchi citizen.
You cannot govern the people from the top rather you must come to their level or in the immortal words of Sir Winston Churchill, “stoop to conquer in order to gain the confidence of the holloi-polloi.” This is not surprising as throughout his existence, the former Minister of State has always been fed with a silver spoon, attending privileged schools, gaining juicy and influential appointments through his network of connections without caring a hoot of how the average Bauchi denizen was faring let alone contributing to the development of the state.
Let Ali Pate honestly tell the good Bauchi people how many primary health care facilities, policies and initiatives he was able to attract to Bauchi state during his uneventful and uninspiring tenure as a minister and later Executive Secretary of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency.
Apart from aimless and unfruitful posturing and media grandstanding, Ali Pate did not achieve much but due to his ubiquitous connections, he was elevated to the Minister of State for Health and later an influential United Nations position without leaving clear and indelible footprints where he previously worked.
It is not surprising that Pate has watched with palpable envy and deepening foreboding, the surefooted and masterful strides taken by our amiable Governor M.A.
Abubakar in delivering critical dividends of democracy to the Bauchi people in the crucial areas of health, education, power, agriculture, rural development, urban infrastructure, and women and youth empowerment.
Indeed, Governor Abubakar’s overwhelming endorsement by the APC is a cap that aptly fits the grassroots governor who has delivered beyond the promises that he made to the electorate in 2015.
And whether Ali Pate likes it or not, the Bauchi people have spoken and a landslide victory awaits Barrister M.A.
Abubakar come 2019, as one good term surely deserves another.
Dalladi writes from Bauchi