Tiv youths alleges plan to assassinate Ortom

The Tiv Youths Organisations (TYO) yesterday alleged that there were plans to assassinate Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state.
The organization in a press conference yesterday in Makurdi led by the President General, Mr.
Timothy Hembaor, noted that the planned elimination of the governor which is being sponsored by ‘Abuja forces’ is believed to be the next action after the impeachment move seems to have failed.
He said information his group gathered revealed that the idea was muted sometime ago, but its implementation was pushed to 2019 when, by the plotters’ calculation, Ortom would no longer be governor.
He further said that was why the APC leadership was earlier instructed to deny the governor, the APC governorship ticket for the 2019 general elections.
Hembaor explained that the defection of the governor to the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) had changed the timeline of execution of the plot hence the decision to move for his immediate impeachment.
According to him, the plotters were believed to have carefully developed ways to stoke political crisis in Benue state and as well coordinate and supervise another pogrom in the state so that if Governor Ortom could not be impeached, the coordinated crisis and sponsored mayhem would be escalated enough to declare a state of emergency in Benue state.
“The idea is that for whatever factor, Ortom ceases to be governor, the planned, coordinated and supervised attacks will be launched”, he added