Imo Kwankwasiya donates customised rice to supporters

Imo state secretariat of the Kwankwasiya Movement was a beehive of activities at the weekend, following the distribution of over four hundred bags of Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso customised rice to supporters and less privileged in the state. Reacting to the gesture, state chairman of Kwankwasiya movement, Hon Collins Onuoha, said it was Senator Kwankwaso’s way of assisting the poor who ordinarily could not aff ord rice as a result of the harsh economic realities. He described Kwankwaso as a man of the people, who would likely become the country’s next president, adding that if elected, Kwankwaso would be in a position to take far reaching decisions that would lead to the development of Nigeria. Also speaking, the coordinator of the movement in the South East, Prince Mathew, said Senator Kwankwaso’s gesture was to cushion the effects of economic hardship in the state and that he did it out of his magnanimity, which was why it was extended to both students and prisoners, adding that his exemplary leadership qualities were what endeared him to the hearts of many