Foundation tasks FG on care for the elderly

Fantsuam Foundation has called on the federal government, individuals and groups to attach priority on greater care for the elderly people in the country. Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, Mrs. Kazanka Comfort made the appeal to newsmen in a speech delivered at the 70th anniversary of the World Health Day with the theme: Universal Health Coverage for Everyone, Everywhere – Health for All.” Mrs Kazanka who made the call in Kafanchan, Southern Kaduna, yesterday said the advocacy became imperative, especially for older persons living in various communities where there has been violence recently.
The chief executive officer said the Foundation has been involved in the support of older persons with free medical care, home based care, housing and nutritional support. “Over the last 8 years, Fantsuam Foundation has been making efforts to commemorate the World Health Day by dedicating it to our older persons. This is the 70th anniversary of the World Health Day. “The emphasis on our older persons is deliberate and it seems it is only Fantsuam Foundation in Nigeria that gives them this recognition on this special day.
“In Fantsuam Foundation, we have been supporting some of our older persons with free medical care, home based care, housing and nutritional support. “Clearly, our resources are not enough to extend these services to all deserving older persons.
Their care has been left entirely to their families but we all know the suffering which our older persons go through whenever those of them who earn pension go to collect their money. “It is obvious that Kaduna state is ahead of the federal government in developing inclusive initiatives for our older persons and other excluded persons. JOPA and Fantsuam Foundation are therefore using this opportunity of the Global 2018 ADA to align ourselves with the state to promote and ensure that the state delivers on its GESI programmes,” she said.