Fayose: Paris Club refund for workers’ welfare

Controversial Governor of Ekiti state, Ayodele Peter Fayose, has added to his list of public polemics and political statements. This time, the governor said he would use the Paris Club refund to settle salaries of Ekiti state workers as well as improve the welfare of civil servants in the state, a statement that is generating doubts among political opponents. ROTIMI OJOMOYELA reports

Th e Ekiti state Governor, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, has declared that the totality of the state’s share of the Paris Club refund would be committed to paying workers’ salaries and emoluments. Speaking in Ado-Ekiti on Th ursday, during a meeting with labour leaders and other stakeholders, Fayose said the decision became necessary because of his belief in giving priority to the welfare of the people. In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Idowu Adelusi, the governor also said he called the meeting to give workers the opportunity to decide on their areas of priority.

He noted that though the N4.7 billion that came to the state and the 16 local governments felt short of expectations, state governors were hopeful that the Federal Government would pay the balance of the refund soon. “I was the fi rst to announce the receipt of the money and after consulting with union leaders, it was agreed that a bigger house be called. At the end of the day we got N4.7 billion and the state is to get N2.9 billion and the 16 local governments to share N1.8 billion.

In the fi rst refund, we got N8 8 billion that was shared with stategetting N5.4 billion and the local governments getting N3.4 billion. “I know the agitation by teachers, especially at primary school level, but the reality is that we just have to make do with what we have and hope for the best. Allocations coming to local governments are handled by members of Joint Allocation and Appropriation Committee of which I am not a member. “All observations about how to disburse the money are to be directed to members of the committee and they will decide on the areas of priority. We are going to give members of the committees at state and local government levels some time to deliberate and come back on how to disburse the funds,” he said. In his remarks, the President of the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGEE), Mr Bummi Ajimoko, said he was happy that the governor was carrying along labour leaders on how to utilize the money.

He said workers and retirees deserved the attention and priority given them. Th e Vice-Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress in the state, Mr Adeniyi Gbenga, commended the governor for being a man of his words. “We appreciate you for standing by your words. Our expectations dwindled when we got the fi gure that was released to the state, but we have confi dence in you. We have a lot of issues pensions, gratuities, but whatever is our priorities must be paid as soon as possible,” he said. Th e labour leaders later agreed to send the areas of priority of the disbursement of the fund to the Offi ce of the Accountant General of the state for onward payment.