What do you do when you begin to notice you’re no longer excited about your work, your productivity reduces and your output is low? Here are some tips that would help you discover why that happens and how you can re-ignite your passion for work.
Getting a job in Nigeria could sometimes be as difficult as a camel passing through the eye of the needle and the excitement of getting one can be as great as winning a made-for-life lottery. The issue however is that this excitement doesn’t get to last for so long as the challenges of work can sometimes be enormous and the once excited worker may soon become grouchy.
According to Harvard Business Review , people lose passion for their work when they feel trapped or bored. Trapped in the sense that work becomes less meaningful, enthusiasm is quenching and purpose is no longer found in work and they become bored when nothing seems to trigger their passion.
Regardless of what might have stolen away your passion from you, here are few tips that would help you revitalize your passion for work.
• Remember Why and How You Started
Why did you apply for the job or why did you start the business? The truth is everyone at one time or the other experiences some form of passion loss but remembering the ‘first love’ could help regain your passion. How did you feel when you got the job or hit your first success in the business? You probably had a feeling that you’re going to change the world or something. Remember the juice of ideas flowing in your head and the goals you set. It’s probably time to dust your diaries and check those stuffs again.
• Celebrate Your Past Successes
Try to reflect back on your past successes on the job. This can encourage you and renew your passion. You’ll suddenly begin to feel that if you could do that before then you can do it again and even much more. You might have lost passion as a result of some current challenges but looking back at your past achievements could reinvigorate your passion.
• Create a “feel good” file
At one time or the other, you must have received a thank-you note or text or email for a job well done from either a client, a co-worker or boss, it’s time to check those notes again and get motivated. It’s also good to begin to keep such notes and email in a separate file so that you can go through them during your down times.
• Focus more on your area of strength
We have natural tendencies to become frustrated and bored when we get hooked up with things that don’t flow naturally from our inside. Passion is actually a product of inspiration and when one is not inspired, one cannot be passionate. Find those things in your work that correlates with your area of strength and you’ll see the juice flow. You may talk this out with your boss or you can even move to a job where you can get yourself doing what you really love to do.
• Inject some new skills
Life is not meant to be static but dynamic and going over a daily routine can create boredom. Find a way of injecting fresh ideas into your work by learning something new. Attending a conference or seminar, reading a book or blog article or talking with an expert in your field could help gather new ideas and skills that would change the way you work.
• Develop others
Mindbodygreen.com suggests that “mentoring others is one of the most reliable ways to see your calling anew”. Probably you are bored because you’ve been doing it all alone. Develop others around you and allow them to help you with some of your work. You may even be adding another stream of income by teaching people what you can do best and this can help to renew passion for your work.
• Create a time for personal reflection and recreation
Life is not all about work. You’ve got to find time to relax and reflect. Work could be hard, but having a time of recreation and reflection could help refresh and re-energize. When you reflect, you come up with fresh ideas and innovation and your passion becomes renewed.