6 dead in Baltimore school bus crash

Six people have died in a crash between a school bus and a city transport bus in Baltimore.
There were no children on board at the time of the collision, which occurred at 06:30 local time (10:30 GMT).
Photos online show the front half of the yellow bus collapsed in, and the side of the transit bus shorn off.
Police have shut down traffic in the area of southwest Baltimore, where the crash occurred, and are still confirming how many have been injured.
“We are in the process of gathering information on the bus crash. We will advise once we have more. Understand this is a fluid situation,” Baltimore police spokesman TJ Smith wrote on Twitter.
Local media say there were no markings on the bus to indicate which school it belongs to, but the crash scene is about two blocks away from the Mount St Joseph High School.
Baltimore schools spokeswoman Edie House Foster told the Baltimore Sun newspaper that the bus was contracted for the city school system, but she could not immediately say which school it belonged to.
A severely damaged Ford Mustang was also found over a block away near a large skid mark trail.
Police say that car crash is connected to the bus collision.
None of the victims have been identified yet.