5,963 EKSU graduands set for convocation – VC 

Ahead of the 27th Convocation of the Ekiti State University (EKSU),Ado-Ekiti, slated for Wednesday and Thursday this week,5,963 graduands of various disciplines of the institution are billed for convocation.

Out of the figures expected for the graduation ceremony, there are a total number of 79 First Class,1,847 Second Class Upper Division,3,343 Second Class Lower Division,332 Third Class, and 1 Pass. 207 graduands are from the the College of Postgraduate Studies.

The varsity’s vice chancellor, Prof. Edward Olanipekun, who stated  this  Monday at a press conference held at the main campus of the university, however reeled out various programmes lined up for the convocation ceremony.

Amongst the programmes include Convocation Lecture Title: “The University System in Nigeria and the Sustainability Question” to be delivered by Professor Labode Popoola, former vice chancellor, Osun State University, Osogbo.

The EKSU VC also said 70 out of the institution’s 81 academic programmes have full accreditation by the National Universities Commission (NUC) while eight programmes have interim accreditation and only one has a denial while the remaining two are those that are yet to mature for accreditation.