2023: ZLP changes name, now Zenith Progressives Alliance

The Zenith Labour Party (ZLP) has changed its name to Zenith Progressives Alliance (ZPA). 

The party’s national chairman, Chief Dan Nwanyanwu also emerged as its presidential candidate.

The decisions were reached at the party’s national convention/presidential primaries which held Wednesday in Abuja. 

The convention, which was attended by a delegation from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), had over 200 party delegates from across the country in attendance.

The national chairman, in his acceptance speech, promised to unite the country in three months, lamenting that the country has never been so divided.

Nwanyanwu said: “When I become president, I will unite all sections of Nigeria. Nigeria is now so divided. I will make sure that this lack of trust returns Nigeria to where it was. I will also make use of traditional institutions and give them the role they should play in ensuring the unity of Nigeria.”

He added that the cardinal issue is for Nigeria to unite, adding that when there is unity, development becomes easy. 

“In the first three months we will be able to see Nigerians smiling together again.”

He also added that he would send Nigerians back to work, adding that he would revive the moribund textile industries which will create work for thousands of workers.

“We will reactivate the moribund industries. Companies that left will be brought back. If we are not good to host you we will not be good to use your products.

“Create the right environment for the companies to return. He said when Nigerians are busy they wouldn’t have time for malicious actions. 

He said he has no baggage, adding that Nigerians are the easiest people to govern if they see you as transparent. 

“I will not steal Nigerians’ money. It is meant for Nigerians. During our presidency after one year we won’t be depending on oil. 

“We will produce things in this country and create jobs. Nigerians here I am, send me. I won’t disappoint you,” he said.