2019: Nigerians are eager to elect Atiku-PDP

Less than 90 days to the 2019 general elections, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has expressed optimism that Nigerians are eager to elect its Presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, as the next president of the country.
The party asserted that the yearning for Atiku is because he has demonstrated that the essence of leadership lies in applying its powers and privileges for the good of others rather than self.

The party claimed that “unlike President Buhari, who has been rejected by Nigerians as a self-centered, uncaring, divisive and incompetent leader, whose administration relishes in inflicting pain, sorrow and hardship on others, Atiku Abubakar is generally accepted as a unifier, a broad-minded leader, who is committed to the welfare and uplifting of living standard of the citizens.

The PDP National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, stated this while receiving leaders of coalition of youth groups from Kano, Katsina and Kaduna states, who were at the PDP National Secretariat yesterday to confirm that they have decamped from the APC and to the PDP as well as express their support for Atiku ahead of the 2019 general elections.

“Nigerians have reached a consensus to rally with Atiku Abubakar, because unlike President Buhari, whose administration represents, hunger, starvation, violence, oppression and general national misfortune, Atiku Abubakar embodies a hope of national rebirth; it embodies democracy, unity and constitutional order; it embodies wealth creation, youth empowerment and that aspiration for a prosperous nation, where all are free”, he added.

I’m his remarks, the Coordinator of the coalition, Mallam Yusuf Maikano, described President Buhari’s election in 2015 as “a huge mistake for which the nation has already paid dearly”, adding that “there is no way the nation can survive if President Buhari is allowed to lead for another four years”.