2015 polls: IGP seeks traditional rulers’ support

By Moh Bello Habib

Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Suleiman Abba, has solicited for support and prayers to pave the way for peaceful and successful general election comes 2015.
He made the request when he led some top ranking Police Officer on courtesy call on the Emir of Zazzau in Kaduna state, Alhaji Shehu Idris, at his Palace in Zaria City, yesterday.

Alhaji Abbas explained that the Police in their part would put inplace all necessary machineries to ensure successful and peaceful conduct of the election.
On cattle theft, the IGP said police would provide helicopter in order to stamp out the menace in the North, particularly Kaduna state.
“We are not unaware of the Crisis rocking your domain, especially cattle theft and we are going to take every measure to fight it,” he said.
Abbas pointed out that police were determined to safeguard lives and property of the citizens.
He stated that to achieve the objective, the Force had raised two committees and task force to wedge war against cattle theft the country.
The IGP said cattle rearing was one of the major economy of the people in the North therefore everything possible must be done to sustain it.
Earlier, he told the emir that he was at his palace to seek royal blessing from him, adding that as a graduate of history, he knew the history of Zazzau Emirate and the value of traditional institutions.
Responding, the emir thanked the IGP for choosing Kaduna state and the Emirate Council as his first place of visit since his assumption of office.
He assured the IGP of traditional rulers support in combating crime within the domain and the state.
Idris commended the state Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Umar Usman Shehu, and divisional police officers (DPO) for their tireless effort in combating crime across the state.