2015: North should unite this time

Tamuno Dagogo

The election year 2015 is around the corner. In fact, in a couple of weeks or thereabout, the incumbent President, Goodluck Jonathan, whose mandate is expiring by May 2015, but who is adamant about re- contesting and having a third term in office will declare his interest in the election. President Jonathan, if he indeed goes ahead to declare would have disappointed millions of Nigerians who are aware that he agreed to stay for one term.

Second, a Jonathan declaration would mean that the otherwise meek and gentle looking Jonathan of 2007 when he was Vice President and later Acting President is not any body’s gentleman, but like most Nigerian politicians, opportunistic and disdainful of the Nigerian people. The 2015 Presidency to all intents and purposes should go to the North to complete the two term tenure of late President UmaruYar’Adua of blessed memory, and from there the nations zoning arrangement for the Presidency should be restored.

Third, a Jonathan declaration for the top political job in 2015 would mean a direct challenge to the North and its political elite which have made enormous sacrifice to accommodate the incumbent. If he shuns and dares the North by showing interest, it then means that President Jonathan is saying in effect that there are no rules or behaviour guiding the quest for the highest office in the land. Bearing in mind what 2015 means to the North and the nation at large, it is incumbent on the latter to show that no one person can do as he likes with the leadership of the nation when so many interests are involved.

One is worried however, at the prevailing attitude being exhibited by the Northern political elite. One is seeing unwillingness, some confusion and uncertainty caused by the inability to subsume greed, selfishness and self- centeredness in favour of the wider interest of the nation, and the North. It will be sad, very sad indeed, if in 2015, the North cannot stand up to be counted, and claim what rightfully belongs to it in the interest of democracy and peace in the country.

The prevailing scenario where all sorts of groups are emerging from the core North and the Middle Belt claiming to be talking for the region and posturing in support of the continuation of the present administration gives much cause for concern. It is as if the culture of reflection, deep thought and careful appraisal of the quality of leadership is no more. The question need to be asked, is the North, now a basket case? In the area of leadership, should it be said that for the North, anything goes?

In 2011, the failure of the preferred Northern candidate, in the person of the sagacious and popular Atiku
Abubakar to defeat Jonathan was well- known to political analysts. Then all efforts were concentrated in the ruling party, the PDP which then was a party clearly in the hands of the incumbent and the party leadership. Therefore it was no surprise when the powers that be muzzled all opposition and dissent to defeat the effort of Atiku and company.
The poll of 2015, promises to be markedly different from that of 2011. One reason, and which is the most significant in the calculation of political observers, is the existence of a national platform in the form of a national opposition party, the All Progressives Congress (APC). The emergence of the APC is seen as the real breath of fresh air in the nation’s politics as it gives a clear choice to the people notably those tired of the PDP’s 15 wasteful years in power.

Nigerians are ready for change. The people want a real breath of fresh air, not the one that was promised in 2011, and was instantly polluted because it was being managed by dishonest people. As the entire nation prepares for a new political party, and a new face and new opportunities, it is important that the Northern people reflect on the past and the future and join this bandwagon, to bring relief to the nation from the failed leadership of the last five years.

Dagogo wrote from Jabi, Abuja