2015, Kogi East and Senator Atai Aidoko Ali

By Musa Wada

The Vice Chairman Senate Committee on Navy, Senator Atai Aidoko (Kogi East), is one man endowed with a powerful mind and uncanny abilities for sustaining and advancing the frontiers of human development even in the most unseemly task. A successful businessman, Aidoko Ali holds ardent belief in human capital development through functional and quality education and it is widely believed that this outlook of life dictates his continual scholarship support to all indigent students across the country. He has brought succour to many homes in terms of employment, health, and other socio-economic empowerments of the youth thereby helping to extend the frontiers of humanity.
Aidoko’s closeness to the people derives from his caring and his understanding of the core expectation of good governance. Here is a man whose values recognized that development must necessarily begin with the core elements that make up a political system and that a good government is such as provides the people with structures and infrastructure for their welfare. The senator is dear to the people and his mention brings the picture of a high potential personality to the fore. Aidoko’s legacies are so abiding, his energies so fruitful, his youthful vision and intellectual dynamism so engaging that to attempt analysis of his person and accomplishments or his impacts on the core social sectors of our lives as a people is akin to running through a maze.

Senator Aidoko stands out as venerable public figure because he is simple and does big things in remarkably big ways. If ever you wanted an example of a politician who understood absolutely the true meaning of politics, find AtaiAidoko. He has a clear-cut, constructive and eminently positive attitude towards life and work. Scholarship, courage and exceptional integrity are attributes that account for Aidoko’s success. His admirable values of honesty and open-door policy endeared him to many. In all the committees where he has served, there is always a signature achievement that differentiates his stewardships from those of others before and after him.
Aidoko’s representative prowess stands him out as a significant political figure in Kogistate’s political landscape. Just within three months in the House of Representatives in 2003, it was obvious that Aidoko came to speak for not just Ankpa, Omala, Olamaboro federal constituency, but the lots of the poor and vulnerable in Nigeria.His foray into politics marked a turning point in his life, it was indeed the beginning of his exposure to the world outside his business and society. He is obliged to reconcile his ideas, principle and simple happy go lucky outlook of life with the demands of tough, rugged and ruthless turf of politics.

The dilemma for the new comer politician is the fact that the constituency Aidoko represents is a notorious arena for confrontational, volatile and intrigues filled politicking; such was the trepidation or awe that greeted Aidoko’s entry into politics 11 years ago. Nonetheless, he came on the scene exuding wisdom, energy, and determination and proved that a lot can be achieved through pragmatism and passion for performance. A high minded individual, Aidoko only yields to the superior cause of a general good contrary to the business as usual way of political leadership where the office holder must kowtow to the whims and caprices of some select elite and stakeholders who should chop on behalf of the rest of the people even though our people fail to understand the distinction between the role of a parliamentarian and that of their elected counterpart.

His political quest in the first place is predicted on the conviction that his constituents and the general masses of the people deserved a better life than is presently their lots. And his entry into politics to represent the good people of Ankpa, Omala, Olamaboro ushered in a new era of innovative programme targeted at improving the lots of the people of his constituent. Nobody gave the political science graduate of University of Abuja any chance when he first indicated interest to contest, but he started his campaign and won convincingly against Prince Abubakar Audu’s ruling ANPP.

As a member of the green chamber in 2003, he sponsored and co-sponsored several bills and was a reckonable member of key house committees including Federal Capital Territory, internal security, appropriation and power.Aidokomade empowerment programme and infrastructure projects the centre of his legislative governance. This is on account of his liberal political ideology and instructive political forthrightness. Indeed Kogi East senatorial district is blessed at this time with a rare asset.

In the Senate, Aidoko has exceeded expectations.He has displayed remarkable dedication to the service of his people with many beneficiaries of his benevolence. It is instructive that he has never missed plenary and votes on the floor of the Senate; he has achieved much for his people. His unprecedented record of constituency projects, steady representative cum constituents interface and direct involvement in community affairs are hallmarks of his representation.

Aidoko represents nine local government areas in the Senate each of which has a functional constituency office and coordinator, charge with collating information about specific and general problems of the constituency. Aidoko is amazingly grassroots despite his urbane disposition; not an occasion in his constituency misses his presence, directly or indirectly. He is a highly potential personality whose tenacity and values impact on his constituency. His influence, struggle, and vision target the dream of his constituents.

The challenges before him are legion from house-hold poverty to educational backwardness and inadequacy of institutional and social infrastructure, but with political will and redetermination, Senator Aidoko Ali, is on the verge of alleviating these multifarious challenges through his quality representation. Aidoko, no doubt, is a man we can trust to work for us, our constituency needs this man, a man like him we can entrust with higher responsibilities because he bears a deal of business unusual.

Wada wrote from Abuja. Email: [email protected]