10th Senate: Izunazo best as Senate President – Southwest media stakeholders  


The South West Media Stakeholders has advocated for the emergence of Senator Osita Bonaventure Izunazo as the 

Senate President in the 10 National Assembly. 

The stakeholders at a press conference addressed by Mr Kolawole Ilori, founding editor of Tell Magazine in Ibadan, Saturday stated  that having a South easterner as the Senate President would heal the wounds of the past in the country. 

The group said  it is now time for the All Progressives Congress (APC) and other stakeholders to zone the Senate President to South east region as this will help to accommodate the interests and yearnings of the Igbo nation as well as move Nigeria forward politically.

“For equity and fairness, the choice of a South easterner, is sine qua non, to heal the wounds of the past, and genuinely accommodate the interests and yearnings of the Igbo nation. Izunaso’s choice will be the much-needed ‘Balm of Gilead’, to douse the general tension in the South east”, he said.

The group added, “As media professionals and critical stakeholders in the Nigerian project, who knew what we suffered to birth this democratic experience we currently enjoy in Nigeria, should as a matter of responsibility be worried at the turn of events in the country. 

“With the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly fixed for coming Tuesday, 13 June, 2003, we owe it a duty as the conscience of the nation, to guide our distinguished Senators right in choosing their leadership for the sake of Nigeria and our democracy. To us, the best man for the job of Senate President at this time is Senator Osita Bonaventure Izunazo, representing Imo state in the Senate.”