10-year- old author charges children on reading culture

A 10-year-old author, Ashezi Akwashiki, has urged children to read books because it is a powerful tool that can transport one to incredible new worlds, even when one’s own reality feels a bit unsteady.

Ashezi who noted this in Abuja during the launch of a book authored by her, “Unlocking Dreams” in commemoration of the 2024 National Children’s Day celebration , said that books can show you that anything is possible, no matter your background.

She said the next doctor, scientist, or even president, could be hiding between the pages of a book right now, just waiting for someone to open it and unleash their potential.

She explained that “Unlocking Dreams” isn’t just a book; it’s a key that unlocks the potential within all of us, particularly young girls like me.

“Did you know that millions of children around the world have never even had the chance to hold a book, let alone experience the magic and knowledge within?

” Think about it that’s a universe filled with potential heroes just waiting to discover their own stories.

“Here in Nigeria, especially in the north, many children haven’t had the privilege of a normal education due to circumstances beyond their control.

Speaking of unlocking potential, she urged people to use this book launch as a springboard to unlock all those dreams together.

“We can build a future brimming with hope, one book and one empowered child at a time. Together, we can create a future, brighter than a thousand fireflies!,” she said.